Importing from s3 bucket


This function imports our data from an s3 AWS bucket


  write_to_directory = FALSE,
  path = NULL,
  country = NULL,
  file_name = NULL,
  write_function = NULL,
  partions = NULL


write_to_directory controls whether data is written to local directory. Defaults to FALSE
path name of directory you would like to write the dataset to
country If you want a subset of the data please provide a string for something coercible to a string.
file_name when write_directory is TRUE please specify a file name. Must be a character
write_function a function to write the data. can be write.csv or arrow::write_parquet. If no function supplied than we will try to guess the function
partions if write_to_directory is set to TRUE asnd file_type is parquet this will control the partions. Can be character vector or unquoted column names. Defaults to null


This function returns a tibble or Arrow Dataset containing the data