Data Cleaning in R

With the Tidyverse

Josh Allen

Department of Political Science at Georgia State University


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In our last workshop we covered

  • Assignment

  • Indexing

  • Generating Descriptive Statistics

  • Some data cleaning(subsetting, generating new variables)

  • A Bit of Graphing

Today we will cover:

  • The Tidyverse (minus ggplot2)

Cleaning Data in the Tidyverse

Like families, tidy datasets are all alike but every messy dataset is messy in its own way.
Hadley Wickham

Packages You Will Need

starwars <- read_csv("starwars.csv")
penguins <- read_csv("penguins.csv")

What is in the Tidyverse?

 [1] "broom"         "cli"           "crayon"        "dbplyr"       
 [5] "dplyr"         "dtplyr"        "forcats"       "ggplot2"      
 [9] "googledrive"   "googlesheets4" "haven"         "hms"          
[13] "httr"          "jsonlite"      "lubridate"     "magrittr"     
[17] "modelr"        "pillar"        "purrr"         "readr"        
[21] "readxl"        "reprex"        "rlang"         "rstudioapi"   
[25] "rvest"         "stringr"       "tibble"        "tidyr"        
[29] "xml2"          "tidyverse"    

What is loaded?

── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ──
✔ ggplot2 3.4.0     ✔ purrr   1.0.1
✔ tibble  3.1.8     ✔ dplyr   1.1.0
✔ tidyr   1.3.0     ✔ stringr 1.5.0
✔ readr   2.1.3     ✔ forcats 1.0.0
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Namespace Conflicts

  • Since R is open source you can name your functions just about anything

    • this results in lots of packages having similarly named functions or the same name
  • Dplyr is just warning us that if we use filter or lag it will use dplyr’s version of the function

  • Whenever R runs into a namespace conflict it will default to the last package that was loaded

  • That is why it is generally best practice to load the most important package last

  • You can also use packagename::function you want to use to get around it.

    • This is called a namespace call
    • explicitly tells R which function you are using



Extract rows with filter() filter
Extract columns with select() select
Arrange/sort rows with arrange() arrange
Make new columns with mutate() mutate
Make group summaries with
group_by() %>% summarize()

How A Dplyr Verb Works

verb(.data, ...)
  • All dplyr stuff works along these lines

  • verb is one of the Dplyr verbs i.e select

  • .data is the dataset you want to manipulate

    • this is true for the rest of the tidyverse
  • ... is just a set of things that the verb does.


There have been some significant additions to dplyr 1.1.0. This workshop was written under dplyr 1.0.10


 select(.data = penguins, species)

You can give select a range of columns with firstcolumn:thirdcolumn or omit stuff using -columnwedontwant


Subsetting by Rows


  filter(.data = penguins,
         species == "Adelie",
         body_mass_g < 6200,
         bill_length_mm < 59.6)
species body_mass_g bill_length_mm
Adelie 3750 39.1
Adelie 3800 39.5
Adelie 3250 40.3
Adelie 3450 36.7
Adelie 3650 39.3
Adelie 3625 38.9

What Kind of Tests Can I Do?

Test Meaning Test Meaning
x < y Less than x %in% y In (group membership)
x > y Greater than Is missing
== Equal to ! Is not missing
x <= y Less than or equal to
x >= y Greater than or equal to
x != y Not equal to

The Default

filter(starwars, homeworld == "Naboo",
                 homeworld == "Coruscant")
name height homeworld

These Do The Same Thing

filter(starwars, homeworld == "Naboo",
                 mass < 84.5)
filter(starwars, homeworld == "Naboo" &
                 mass < 84.5)
name mass homeworld
R2-D2 32 Naboo
Palpatine 75 Naboo
name mass homeworld
R2-D2 32 Naboo
Palpatine 75 Naboo

Getting Multiple Things From the Same Column

  • To get a subset of homeworld we chain together multiple | tests together
filter(starwars, homeworld == "Naboo" |
                 homeworld == "Coruscant" |
                 homeworld == "Tatooine")
name homeworld
Luke Skywalker Tatooine
C-3PO Tatooine
R2-D2 Naboo
Darth Vader Tatooine
Owen Lars Tatooine
Beru Whitesun lars Tatooine
R5-D4 Tatooine
... ...

Getting Multiple Things From the Same Column(cont)

  homeworld %in% c("Naboo",
name homeworld
Luke Skywalker Tatooine
C-3PO Tatooine
R2-D2 Naboo
Darth Vader Tatooine
Owen Lars Tatooine
Beru Whitesun lars Tatooine
R5-D4 Tatooine
Biggs Darklighter Tatooine
Anakin Skywalker Tatooine
Palpatine Naboo
Finis Valorum Coruscant
... ...

filter() mistakes we all make

filter(penguins, species = "Gentoo")
Error in `filter()`:
! We detected a named input.
ℹ This usually means that you've used `=` instead of `==`.
ℹ Did you mean `species == "Gentoo"`?
filter(starwars, homeworld == "Nabo")
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species films vehicles starships

Your Turn

  • Try removing the missing values from bill_length_mm hint: use ! and

  • Return a data dataset that only has data for the Dream island

  • Using either the starwars or penguins data use %in% to get a set of homeworlds or islands

  • Bonus: return a set of islands or homeworlds not in that set

  • Subset the penguin data where body mass is less than 4202 and not on the Dream Island.




   log_bill_length = round(log(bill_length_mm)
    , digits = 2))
species bill_length_mm log_bill_length
Adelie 39.1 3.67
Adelie 39.5 3.68
Adelie 40.3 3.7
Adelie 36.7 3.6
Adelie 39.3 3.67
Adelie 38.9 3.66
... ... ...


      bill_length_mm = bill_length_mm / bill_depth_mm) 
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
2.09090909090909 18.7
2.27011494252874 17.4
2.23888888888889 18
1.90155440414508 19.3
... ...

Logical Tests

  • There are various ways to do this in mutate but they all follow the same logic
  • Test is a logical test species == "Chinstrap", species == "Wookie", etc

  • Value_if_True what does it do if the test returns true

  • Value_if_FALSE what does it do if the test returns false


  big_penguin = ifelse(
  body_mass_g >= 4750,  # median(body_mass_g) aslo works
body_mass_g big_penguin
3750 FALSE
3800 FALSE
3250 FALSE
3450 FALSE
3650 FALSE
3625 FALSE
4675 FALSE
3475 FALSE
4250 FALSE


  • Mutate is order aware so you don’t have to use a new mutate for each new variable you want to create
  mutate(penguins, long_bill = bill_length_mm * 2,
         long_bill_logical =
           ifelse(long_bill >= 100
                  & long_bill <= 119.20,
bill_length_mm long_bill long_bill_logical species
46.1 92.2 FALSE NA
50 100 TRUE NA
48.7 97.4 FALSE NA
50 100 TRUE NA
47.6 95.2 FALSE NA
46.5 93 FALSE NA
... ... ... ...

Your Turn

  • Write code to

  • Add a column in your dataset that is TRUE if a penguin is an Adelie penguin

  • Add a column in the starwars dataset that says Naboo or Tatooine, and Not Naboo or Tatooine if the character is not from there

  • Add a column in your dataset that squares the body mass (hint: use ^)


Doing More Than One Thing at a Time

Data Cleaning

  • Often requires lots of intermediary steps

    • replacing missing values
    • subsetting data
    • creating new variables
  • We would ideally like to do this without assigning a new object each time

  • If things start going it may be difficult to spot where it went wrong

  • Enter dplyr and the pipe

Remember How A Dplyr Verb Works

verb(.data, ...)
  • All dplyr stuff works along these lines

  • verb is one of the Dplyr verbs

  • .data is the dataset you want to manipulate

    • this is true for the rest of the tidyverse
  • ... is just a set of things that the verb does.

Side By Side

filter(.data = penguins, species == "Gentoo")
# A tibble: 124 × 8
   species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_len…¹ body_…² sex    year
   <fct>   <fct>           <dbl>         <dbl>         <int>   <int> <fct> <int>
 1 Gentoo  Biscoe           46.1          13.2           211    4500 fema…  2007
 2 Gentoo  Biscoe           50            16.3           230    5700 male   2007
 3 Gentoo  Biscoe           48.7          14.1           210    4450 fema…  2007
 4 Gentoo  Biscoe           50            15.2           218    5700 male   2007
 5 Gentoo  Biscoe           47.6          14.5           215    5400 male   2007
 6 Gentoo  Biscoe           46.5          13.5           210    4550 fema…  2007
 7 Gentoo  Biscoe           45.4          14.6           211    4800 fema…  2007
 8 Gentoo  Biscoe           46.7          15.3           219    5200 male   2007
 9 Gentoo  Biscoe           43.3          13.4           209    4400 fema…  2007
10 Gentoo  Biscoe           46.8          15.4           215    5150 male   2007
# … with 114 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​flipper_length_mm,
#   ²​body_mass_g
select(.data = penguins, species:bill_length_mm)
# A tibble: 344 × 3
   species island    bill_length_mm
   <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>
 1 Adelie  Torgersen           39.1
 2 Adelie  Torgersen           39.5
 3 Adelie  Torgersen           40.3
 4 Adelie  Torgersen           NA  
 5 Adelie  Torgersen           36.7
 6 Adelie  Torgersen           39.3
 7 Adelie  Torgersen           38.9
 8 Adelie  Torgersen           39.2
 9 Adelie  Torgersen           34.1
10 Adelie  Torgersen           42  
# … with 334 more rows
mutate(.data = penguins, bill_length_mm_sq = bill_length_mm^2)
# A tibble: 344 × 9
   species island    bill_length_mm bill_d…¹ flipp…² body_…³ sex    year bill_…⁴
   <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>    <dbl>   <int>   <int> <fct> <int>   <dbl>
 1 Adelie  Torgersen           39.1     18.7     181    3750 male   2007   1529.
 2 Adelie  Torgersen           39.5     17.4     186    3800 fema…  2007   1560.
 3 Adelie  Torgersen           40.3     18       195    3250 fema…  2007   1624.
 4 Adelie  Torgersen           NA       NA        NA      NA <NA>   2007     NA 
 5 Adelie  Torgersen           36.7     19.3     193    3450 fema…  2007   1347.
 6 Adelie  Torgersen           39.3     20.6     190    3650 male   2007   1544.
 7 Adelie  Torgersen           38.9     17.8     181    3625 fema…  2007   1513.
 8 Adelie  Torgersen           39.2     19.6     195    4675 male   2007   1537.
 9 Adelie  Torgersen           34.1     18.1     193    3475 <NA>   2007   1163.
10 Adelie  Torgersen           42       20.2     190    4250 <NA>   2007   1764 
# … with 334 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​bill_depth_mm,
#   ²​flipper_length_mm, ³​body_mass_g, ⁴​bill_length_mm_sq


  • A pipe takes whats on the left hand side of the pipe and evaluates it as the first argument on the right hand side

  • this leverages the common syntax effectively

    • this is not limited to just dplyr stuff
  • If you look behind the curtain of the workshop slides you will see pipes everywhere!

Magrittr Piping

  • The tidyverse has its own pipe %>% and used to be the only game in town.
    • %>% is just % followed by > followed by %
  • You can see the advantages of the pipe when we need to do multiple things to a dataset
## These do the same thing
  female = ifelse(sex == "female",
    TRUE, FALSE)),
     species == "Adelie")
# these do the same thing
penguins %>%  
filter(species == "Adelie") %>% 
mutate(female = ifelse(sex == "female", TRUE, FALSE))

This example an adaptation provided by Grant McDermot

Magrittr Piping(cont)

  • When you use the pipe it is easier to think of the pipe as saying and then
I %>%
    wake_up(time = "8.00am") %>%
    get_out_of_bed(side = "correct") %>%
    get_dressed(pants = "TRUE", shirt = "TRUE") %>% 
    leave_house(car = TRUE, bike = FALSE, MARTA = FALSE) %>%
    am_late(traffic = TRUE)

Base R Pipe

  • The pipe caught on and the team behind R added a native pipe |>

    • this is just | followed by >
  • If you are have a version of R that is 4.2.0>= it should come with the native pipe

  • The base versus magrittr pipe differ slightly and it is worth knowing some of the differences

  • The base R pipe is pretty flexible and supports some cool computer sciency stuff for more check out this page

Group_by() and Summarize()


  • group_by() simply puts rows into groups based on values of a column

  • The grouped data frames will continue until you do ungroup

  • Not necessarily the most useful function because nothing really happens when called by itself

  • Unless you combine it with summarize()

    • Note: you will see summarise as well in people’s code because the creator and maintainer is from New Zealand
penguins |> 
  group_by(species) |>
  select(bill_length_mm, island) |> 
# A tibble: 5 × 3
# Groups:   species [1]
  species bill_length_mm island   
  <fct>            <dbl> <fct>    
1 Adelie            39.1 Torgersen
2 Adelie            39.5 Torgersen
3 Adelie            40.3 Torgersen
4 Adelie            NA   Torgersen
5 Adelie            36.7 Torgersen

Find the Number of Each Species

penguins |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
species n()
Adelie 152
Chinstrap 68
Gentoo 124

Multiple Summary Statistics

penguins |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
        mean_bill_length = mean(bill_length_mm,
                                na.rm = TRUE))
species mean_bill_length n()
Adelie 38.79 152
Chinstrap 48.83 68
Gentoo 47.5 124

Recent Features

  • You can now add temporary groupings
penguins |> 
            mean(bill_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE),
         .by = species)
species mean_bill_length n()
Adelie 38.79 152
Gentoo 47.5 124
Chinstrap 48.83 68

Your Turn

  • Calculate the minimum, maximum, and median body_mass_g for each species of penguin

  • What happens if you remove group_by()?

  • Calculate the number of distinct penguin species per island

    • hint: type n_

Other useful dplyr stuff


  • Often times we need to get data from another dataset

  • In Dplyr we use join operations

  • inner_join(df1, df2)

  • left_join(df1, df2)

  • right_join(df1, df2)

  • full_join(df1, df2)

  • semi_join(df1, df2)

  • anti_join(df1, df2)


  • The basic syntax for each join is the same _join(df1, df2, by = "var I want to join on)

  • The by argument can take a list of variables or you can just let dplyr guess(bad idea)

  • Each join does something different and some are more cautious than others

  • I tend to use left_join the most and is handy when you are trying to fill in gaps in panel data

data1 = data.frame(ID = 1:2,                      ## Create first example data frame
                    X1 = c("a1", "a2"),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
1 a1
2 a2
data2 = data.frame(ID = 2:3,                      ## Create second example data frame
                    X2 = c("b1", "b2"),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
2 b1
3 b2


left_join(data1, data2, join_by(ID))
ID X1 X2
1 a1 NA
2 a2 b1

Using “Real” Data

state year unemployment inflation population
GA 2018 5.0 2.0 100
GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200
GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300
NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350
NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375
NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400
CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200
CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300
CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400
state year libraries schools
CO 2018 230 470
CO 2019 240 440
CO 2020 270 510
NC 2018 200 610
NC 2019 210 590
NC 2020 220 530


national_combined = left_join(national_data, national_libraries, 
                                    join_by(state, year)) 

state year unemployment inflation population libraries schools
GA 2018 5.0 2.0 100 NA NA
GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 NA NA
GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 NA NA
NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 200 610
NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 210 590
NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 220 530
CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 230 470
CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 240 440
CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 270 510

Combined Data

national_combined = national_data |> 
  left_join(national_libraries, join_by(state, year))

state year unemployment inflation population libraries schools
GA 2018 5.0 2.0 100 NA NA
GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 NA NA
GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 NA NA
NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 200 610
NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 210 590
NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400 220 530
CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200 230 470
CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300 240 440
CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400 270 510

What if our Columns Have Different Names?

state year unemployment inflation population
GA 2018 5.0 2.0 100
GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200
GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300
NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350
NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375
NC 2020 5.3 1.8 400
CO 2018 4.7 2.7 200
CO 2019 4.4 2.6 300
CO 2020 5.1 2.5 400
statename year libraries schools
CO 2018 230 470
CO 2019 240 440
CO 2020 270 510
NC 2018 200 610
NC 2019 210 590
NC 2020 220 530

Renaming Columns

  • Renaming stuff in dplyr is easy

  • we use the same syntax as dplyr::rename()

  • rename(newvarname = oldvarname)

national_data |> 
  left_join(national_libraries, join_by(state == statename, year))
state year unemployment inflation population libraries schools
GA 2018 5.0 2.0 100 NA NA
GA 2019 5.3 1.8 200 NA NA
GA 2020 5.2 2.5 300 NA NA
NC 2018 6.1 1.8 350 200 610
NC 2019 5.9 1.6 375 210 590



Reshaping Data

What does this look like in practice?

religion <$10k $10-20k $20-30k $30-40k $40-50k $50-75k $75-100k $100-150k >150k Don't know/refused
Agnostic 27 34 60 81 76 137 122 109 84 96
Atheist 12 27 37 52 35 70 73 59 74 76
Buddhist 27 21 30 34 33 58 62 39 53 54
Catholic 418 617 732 670 638 1116 949 792 633 1489
Don’t know/refused 15 14 15 11 10 35 21 17 18 116
Evangelical Prot 575 869 1064 982 881 1486 949 723 414 1529
Hindu 1 9 7 9 11 34 47 48 54 37
Historically Black Prot 228 244 236 238 197 223 131 81 78 339
Jehovah's Witness 20 27 24 24 21 30 15 11 6 37
Jewish 19 19 25 25 30 95 69 87 151 162

Making Data Longer

relig_income |> 
  pivot_longer(!religion, names_to = "income", values_to = "count" )
religion income count
Agnostic <$10k 27
Agnostic $10-20k 34
Agnostic $20-30k 60
Agnostic $30-40k 81
Agnostic $40-50k 76
Agnostic $50-75k 137
Agnostic $75-100k 122
Agnostic $100-150k 109
Agnostic >150k 84
Agnostic Don't know/refused 96


  • Sometimes we need one variable to be two variables
  • Enter Separate
library(lubridate) # for working with dates 
athlete_data =   tibble(forename = c("Lewis", "Tom", "Michael", "Joshua"),
                      surname = c("Hamilton", "Brady", "Jordan", "Allen"),
                      dob = ymd(c("1985-01-07", "1977-08-03","1963-02-17", "1996-05-21")))
athlete_data |>
separate(dob, c("year", "month", "day"))
# A tibble: 4 × 5
  forename surname  year  month day  
  <chr>    <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Lewis    Hamilton 1985  01    07   
2 Tom      Brady    1977  08    03   
3 Michael  Jordan   1963  02    17   
4 Joshua   Allen    1996  05    21   


  • Other times we need to combine multiple columns to be one column
  • enter unite
athlete_data |>
unite(name, c("forename", "surname"), sep = " ")
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  name           dob       
  <chr>          <date>    
1 Lewis Hamilton 1985-01-07
2 Tom Brady      1977-08-03
3 Michael Jordan 1963-02-17
4 Joshua Allen   1996-05-21

Getting up and Running Using helpers

Helpful Helpers

  • Dplyr comes with really useful functions that help you when there are common patterns in your variable names

  • the syntax usually goes

  • select(contains("pattern"))

  • select(starts_with("pattern"))

  • select(ends_with("pattern"))

  select(starwars, name,
   ends_with("color"),  -eye_color)
name hair_color skin_color
Luke Skywalker blond fair
C-3PO NA gold
R2-D2 NA white, blue
Darth Vader none white
... ... ...

Another Helper Example

penguins |>
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
39.1 18.7
39.5 17.4
40.3 18.0
36.7 19.3

filter() with regular expressions

  • regular expressions also work and can be pretty handy.
# base R regex
filter(starwars, grepl("Sky", name)|  # base r version
           grepl("Palp", name) |
           grepl("Obi", name))
# tidyverse regex
filter(starwars, str_detect(name, "Sky") | 
         str_detect(name, "Palp") |
        str_detect(name, "Obi"))
name height mass homeworld
Luke Skywalker 172 77 Tatooine
Obi-Wan Kenobi 182 77 Stewjon
Anakin Skywalker 188 84 Tatooine
Palpatine 170 75 Naboo
Shmi Skywalker 163 NA Tatooine
... ... ... ...


Regular ifelse

  big_penguin = ifelse(
  body_mass_g >= 4750,
   "Dats a big penguin",
   "SMOL penguin"))
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  body_mass_g big_penguin 
        <int> <chr>       
1        3750 SMOL penguin
2        3800 SMOL penguin
3        3250 SMOL penguin
4          NA <NA>        
5        3450 SMOL penguin
6        3650 SMOL penguin

Fancy ifelse

jedi = c("Luke Skywalker",
 "Yoda", "Obi-Wan Kenobi",
  "Mace Windu")

sith = c("Palpatine",
 "Darth Maul",
   "Darth Vader")

hero_villains <- filter(starwars, name %in% jedi |
 name %in% sith)  
  what_are_they = case_when(
  name %in% jedi ~ "Hero",
  name %in% sith ~ "Evil Dooer")) 
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  name           what_are_they
  <chr>          <chr>        
1 Luke Skywalker Hero         
2 Darth Vader    Evil Dooer   
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi Hero         
4 Yoda           Hero         
5 Palpatine      Evil Dooer   

Generating Summary statistics

penguins |> 
select(-year) |>
group_by(species) |>
 c(Mean = mean, Min = min, Max = max), na.rm = TRUE),
  .names = "{.cols}_{.fn}")
# A tibble: 3 × 14
  species   bill_lengt…¹ bill_…² bill_…³ bill_…⁴ bill_…⁵ bill_…⁶ flipp…⁷ flipp…⁸
  <fct>            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>
1 Adelie            38.8    32.1    46      18.3    15.5    21.5    190.     172
2 Chinstrap         48.8    40.9    58      18.4    16.4    20.8    196.     178
3 Gentoo            47.5    40.9    59.6    15.0    13.1    17.3    217.     203
# … with 5 more variables: flipper_length_mm_Max <int>, body_mass_g_Mean <dbl>,
#   body_mass_g_Min <int>, body_mass_g_Max <int>, .names <chr>, and abbreviated
#   variable names ¹​bill_length_mm_Mean, ²​bill_length_mm_Min,
#   ³​bill_length_mm_Max, ⁴​bill_depth_mm_Mean, ⁵​bill_depth_mm_Min,
#   ⁶​bill_depth_mm_Max, ⁷​flipper_length_mm_Mean, ⁸​flipper_length_mm_Min

Pivoting With LOTS of columns

artist track date.entered wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4 wk5
2 Pac Baby Don't Cry (Keep... 2000-02-26 87 82 72 77 87
2Ge+her The Hardest Part Of ... 2000-09-02 91 87 92 NA NA
3 Doors Down Kryptonite 2000-04-08 81 70 68 67 66
3 Doors Down Loser 2000-10-21 76 76 72 69 67
504 Boyz Wobble Wobble 2000-04-15 57 34 25 17 17
98^0 Give Me Just One Nig... 2000-08-19 51 39 34 26 26
A*Teens Dancing Queen 2000-07-08 97 97 96 95 100
Aaliyah I Don't Wanna 2000-01-29 84 62 51 41 38
Aaliyah Try Again 2000-03-18 59 53 38 28 21
Adams, Yolanda Open My Heart 2000-08-26 76 76 74 69 68
Adkins, Trace More 2000-04-29 84 84 75 73 73
Aguilera, Christina Come On Over Baby (A... 2000-08-05 57 47 45 29 23
Aguilera, Christina I Turn To You 2000-04-15 50 39 30 28 21
Aguilera, Christina What A Girl Wants 1999-11-27 71 51 28 18 13
Alice Deejay Better Off Alone 2000-04-08 79 65 53 48 45
Allan, Gary Smoke Rings In The D... 2000-01-22 80 78 76 77 92
Amber Sexual 1999-07-17 99 99 96 96 100
Anastacia I'm Outta Love 2000-04-01 92 NA NA 95 NA
Anthony, Marc My Baby You 2000-09-16 82 76 76 70 82
Anthony, Marc You Sang To Me 2000-02-26 77 54 50 43 30
Avant My First Love 2000-11-04 70 62 56 43 39
Avant Separated 2000-04-29 62 32 30 23 26
BBMak Back Here 2000-04-29 99 86 60 52 38
Backstreet Boys, The Shape Of My Heart 2000-10-14 39 25 24 15 12
Backstreet Boys, The Show Me The Meaning ... 2000-01-01 74 62 55 25 16
Backstreet Boys, The The One 2000-05-27 58 50 43 37 31
Badu, Erkyah Bag Lady 2000-08-19 67 53 42 41 48
Baha Men Who Let The Dogs Out 2000-07-22 99 92 85 76 65
Barenaked Ladies Pinch Me 2000-09-09 77 76 69 45 51
Beenie Man Girls Dem Sugar 2000-10-21 72 72 63 56 62
Before Dark Monica 2000-05-20 95 87 80 80 77
Bega, Lou Tricky Tricky 2000-01-29 75 74 87 NA NA
Big Punisher It's So Hard 2000-04-22 96 87 75 79 81
Black Rob Whoa! 2000-03-04 78 59 53 52 47
Black, Clint Been There 2000-02-19 87 73 62 58 58
Blaque Bring It All To Me 1999-10-23 73 63 50 42 24
Blige, Mary J. Deep Inside 1999-11-13 83 80 80 75 75
Blige, Mary J. Give Me You 2000-04-15 97 94 77 76 68
Blink-182 All The Small Things 1999-12-04 89 76 69 59 59
Bloodhound Gang The Bad Touch 2000-03-18 70 62 55 55 52
Bon Jovi It's My Life 2000-08-12 64 58 51 51 48
Braxton, Toni He Wasn't Man Enough 2000-03-18 63 55 48 39 35
Braxton, Toni Just Be A Man About ... 2000-07-29 76 69 51 42 37
Braxton, Toni Spanish Guitar 2000-12-02 98 98 98 NA NA
Brock, Chad A Country Boy Can Su... 2000-01-01 93 75 92 NA NA
Brock, Chad Yes! 2000-04-08 90 77 66 61 59
Brooks & Dunn You'll Always Be Lov... 2000-06-10 95 85 85 85 83
Brooks, Garth Do What You Gotta Do 2000-02-19 86 81 72 70 69
Byrd, Tracy Put Your Hand In Min... 2000-01-29 81 77 76 76 86
Cagle, Chris My Love Goes On And ... 2000-10-21 99 94 94 87 84
Cam'ron What Means The World... 2000-10-14 94 94 96 91 84
Carey, Mariah Crybaby 2000-06-24 28 34 48 62 77
Carey, Mariah Thank God I Found Yo... 1999-12-11 82 68 50 50 41
Carter, Aaron Aaron's Party (Come ... 2000-08-26 99 75 57 35 35
Carter, Torrey Take That 2000-06-24 94 88 86 91 89
Changing Faces That Other Woman 2000-09-30 80 72 66 66 64
Chesney, Kenny I Lost It 2000-10-21 75 67 61 58 58
Chesney, Kenny What I Need To Do 2000-04-01 79 74 68 72 69
Clark Family Experience Meanwhile Back At Th... 2000-11-18 87 86 81 92 80
Clark, Terri A Little Gasoline 2000-12-16 75 82 88 96 99
Common The Light 2000-08-05 75 55 53 49 46
Counting Crows Hanginaround 1999-11-06 84 70 66 60 46
Creed Higher 1999-09-11 81 77 73 63 61
Creed With Arms Wide Open 2000-05-13 84 78 76 74 70
Cyrus, Billy Ray You Won't Be Lonely ... 2000-09-23 97 97 97 92 91
D'Angelo Left & Right 1999-12-11 93 77 75 70 91
D'Angelo Untitled (How Does I... 2000-01-22 77 56 35 26 25
DMX Party Up (Up In Here... 2000-02-26 88 74 62 56 49
DMX What You Want 2000-07-01 98 95 95 87 86
DMX What's My Name 2000-01-15 98 76 69 69 67
Da Brat That's What I'm Look... 2000-02-26 93 73 60 60 60
Da Brat What'Chu Like 2000-06-03 71 65 54 54 51
Davidson, Clay Unconditional 2000-03-25 97 97 97 90 83
De La Soul All Good? 2000-12-23 96 96 100 NA NA
Destiny's Child Independent Women Pa... 2000-09-23 78 63 49 33 23
Destiny's Child Jumpin' Jumpin' 2000-05-13 74 71 65 62 57
Destiny's Child Say My Name 1999-12-25 83 83 44 38 16
Diffie, Joe It's Always Somethin... 2000-08-12 81 78 67 63 60
Diffie, Joe The Quittin' Kind 2000-01-01 98 100 100 90 93
Dion, Celine That's The Way It Is 1999-11-13 74 68 65 49 44
Dixie Chicks, The Cold Day In July 2000-06-24 80 79 76 72 68
Dixie Chicks, The Cowboy Take Me Away 1999-11-27 79 72 70 61 52
Dixie Chicks, The Goodbye Earl 2000-03-18 40 29 24 24 20
Dixie Chicks, The Without You 2000-10-07 80 70 63 56 50
Dr. Dre Forgot About Dre 2000-01-22 75 55 47 36 36
Dr. Dre The Next Episode 2000-05-27 78 67 58 53 46
Drama Left, Right, Left 2000-02-12 100 98 89 80 75
Dream He Loves U Not 2000-09-30 99 92 81 59 47
Eastsidaz, The G'D Up 2000-01-08 77 77 89 64 57
Eastsidaz, The Got Beef 2000-07-01 99 99 NA NA NA
Eiffel 65 Blue 1999-12-11 67 29 16 16 13
Elliott, Missy "Misdemeanor" Hot Boyz 1999-11-27 36 21 13 9 7
Eminem Stan 2000-11-04 78 67 57 57 51
Eminem The Real Slim Shady 2000-05-06 70 32 20 16 11
Eminem The Way I Am 2000-08-26 87 74 59 65 59
En Vogue Riddle 2000-06-17 92 92 97 100 NA
Estefan, Gloria No Me Dejes De Quere... 2000-06-10 77 NA NA NA NA
Evans, Sara Born To Fly 2000-10-21 77 71 64 57 55
Eve Got It All 2000-07-15 89 88 88 91 95
Eve Love Is Blind 2000-01-08 94 91 57 46 46
Everclear Wonderful 2000-07-08 77 69 53 37 33
Fabian, Lara I Will Love Again 2000-06-10 91 80 75 61 60
Fatboy Slim The Rockafeller Skan... 1999-11-13 94 94 94 87 77
Filter Take A Picture 1999-11-27 91 74 64 52 38
Foo Fighters Learn To Fly 1999-10-16 80 69 68 63 60
Fragma Toca's Miracle 2000-10-28 99 NA NA NA NA
Funkmaster Flex Do You 2000-11-11 92 92 95 91 91
Ghostface Killah Cherchez LaGhost 2000-08-05 98 NA NA NA NA
Gill, Vince Feels Like Love 2000-09-02 82 76 74 73 73
Gilman, Billy One Voice 2000-06-17 86 86 82 72 65
Ginuwine None Of Ur Friends B... 1999-12-11 94 84 71 71 60
Ginuwine The Best Man I Can B... 2000-01-08 97 97 83 94 84
Goo Goo Dolls Broadway 2000-04-22 74 58 53 42 35
Gray, Macy I Try 2000-02-19 68 51 47 36 30
Griggs, Andy She's More 2000-03-11 81 76 69 67 62
Guy Dancin' 1999-12-18 46 29 19 22 36
Hanson This Time Around 2000-04-22 22 22 20 45 87
Hart, Beth L.A. Song 1999-11-27 99 100 98 99 99
Heatherly, Eric Flowers On The Wall 2000-04-29 95 88 88 82 82
Henley, Don Taking You Home 2000-06-24 79 77 74 73 66
Herndon, Ty No Mercy 2000-03-18 100 99 99 NA NA
Hill, Faith Breathe 1999-11-06 81 68 62 51 42
Hill, Faith Let's Make Love 2000-08-12 83 83 73 73 67
Hoku Another Dumb Blonde 2000-02-19 69 49 49 34 34
Hollister, Dave Can't Stay 2000-03-25 84 84 93 98 NA
Hot Boys I Need A Hot Girl 2000-02-19 77 75 71 65 65
Houston, Whitney Could I Have This Ki... 2000-06-17 74 68 68 67 59
Houston, Whitney I Learned From The B... 2000-02-19 83 83 83 40 28
Houston, Whitney My Love Is Your Love 1999-09-04 81 68 44 16 11
Houston, Whitney Same Script, Differe... 2000-06-17 71 71 71 71 70
IMx Stay The Night 1999-10-09 84 61 45 43 40
Ice Cube You Can Do It 1999-12-04 86 66 50 42 42
Ideal Whatever 2000-06-10 75 75 67 73 64
Iglesias, Enrique Be With You 2000-04-01 63 45 34 23 17
Iglesias, Enrique Rhythm Divine 1999-12-04 90 84 79 67 67
J-Shin One Night Stand 1999-12-25 96 96 69 74 72
Ja Rule Between Me And You 2000-09-16 85 74 61 37 27
Jackson, Alan It Must Be Love 2000-06-24 76 74 68 63 57
Jackson, Alan Pop A Top 1999-11-13 79 73 70 64 63
Jackson, Alan www.memory 2000-11-04 75 59 59 54 50
Jagged Edge He Can't Love U 1999-12-11 54 32 17 17 15
Jagged Edge Let's Get Married 2000-05-06 77 66 55 45 38
Janet Doesn't Really Matte... 2000-06-17 59 52 43 30 29
Jay-Z Anything 2000-02-26 72 58 55 55 63
Jay-Z Big Pimpin' 2000-04-22 69 52 39 33 28
Jay-Z Do It Again (Put Ya ... 2000-01-15 95 68 65 65 74
Jay-Z Hey Papi 2000-08-12 98 100 98 94 83
Jay-Z I Just Wanna Love U ... 2000-10-28 58 45 35 26 23
Jean, Wyclef 911 2000-10-07 77 74 64 61 53
Joe I Wanna Know 2000-01-01 94 86 69 50 41
Joe Treat Her Like A Lad... 2000-08-05 77 75 63 63 69
John, Elton Someday Out Of The B... 2000-04-22 56 56 49 59 67
Jones, Donell Where I Wanna Be 2000-04-22 81 71 65 50 41
Jordan, Montell Get It On.. Tonite 1999-10-23 92 80 72 69 67
Juvenile U Understand 2000-02-05 85 83 100 98 97
Kandi Don't Think I'm Not 2000-08-05 66 66 66 61 49
Keith, Toby Country Comes To Tow... 2000-08-05 82 78 75 69 66
Keith, Toby How Do You Like Me N... 2000-01-29 77 72 59 53 45
Kelis Caught Out There 1999-12-04 84 68 67 63 63
Kenny G Auld Lang Syne (The ... 1999-12-25 89 89 7 8 66
Kid Rock Only God Knows Why 2000-02-19 63 47 46 39 35
Kravitz, Lenny I Belong To You 2000-03-25 78 77 71 71 71
Kumbia Kings U Don't Love Me 2000-03-04 81 64 62 67 70
LFO I Don't Wanna Kiss Y... 2000-04-15 63 61 68 73 91
LFO West Side Story 2000-08-05 96 84 88 96 NA
LL Cool J Imagine That 2000-08-12 99 98 NA NA NA
Larrieux, Amel Get Up 2000-03-04 100 97 97 NA NA
Lawrence, Tracy Lessons Learned 2000-01-29 80 73 61 61 48
Levert, Gerald Baby U Are 2000-08-19 96 89 92 96 96
Levert, Gerald Mr. Too Damn Good 2000-03-18 84 83 83 76 86
Lil Bow Wow Bounce With Me 2000-08-19 48 35 24 24 20
Lil Wayne Tha Block Is Hot 1999-12-04 99 89 92 84 84
Lil' Kim How Many Licks? 2000-11-25 79 75 77 86 86
Lil' Kim No Matter What They ... 2000-07-15 80 72 67 60 65
Lil' Mo Ta Da 2000-08-12 100 99 97 97 100
Lil' Zane Callin' Me 2000-07-29 83 89 57 40 34
Limp Bizkit N 2 Gether Now 1999-12-04 94 88 85 78 78
Limp Bizkit Re-Arranged 1999-12-04 91 91 90 95 95
Limp Bizkit Rollin' 2000-11-11 77 73 72 66 65
Lonestar Amazed 1999-06-05 81 54 44 39 38
Lonestar Smile 1999-12-18 89 80 80 80 65
Lonestar What About Now 2000-06-10 78 72 66 64 56
Lopez, Jennifer Feelin' Good 2000-02-19 79 79 66 54 54
Loveless, Patty That's The Kind Of M... 2000-09-16 98 93 93 93 88
Lox Ryde or Die, Chick 2000-03-18 86 73 80 84 91
Lucy Pearl Dance Tonight 2000-05-20 80 75 63 59 55
Ludacris What's Your Fantasy 2000-09-30 89 83 63 55 49
M2M Don't Say You Love M... 1999-11-20 72 53 62 46 54
M2M Mirror Mirror 2000-04-01 87 87 94 91 75
Madison Avenue Don't Call Me Baby 2000-07-08 98 96 93 93 93
Madonna American Pie 2000-02-19 43 35 29 29 33
Madonna Music 2000-08-12 41 23 18 14 2
Martin, Ricky Private Emotion 2000-03-11 76 67 71 78 89
Martin, Ricky Shake Your Bon-Bon 1999-11-20 74 66 52 39 39
Martin, Ricky She Bangs 2000-10-07 38 28 21 21 18
Mary Mary Shackles (Praise You... 2000-03-25 90 76 72 54 43
Master P Souljas 2000-11-18 98 NA NA NA NA
McBride, Martina Love's The Only Hous... 2000-02-05 79 69 65 58 53
McBride, Martina There You Are 2000-09-09 79 75 75 75 73
McEntire, Reba I'll Be 2000-05-13 89 79 79 72 69
McEntire, Reba What Do You Say 1999-10-30 88 76 71 71 69
McGraw, Tim My Best Friend 1999-11-27 85 76 71 64 54
McGraw, Tim My Next Thirty Years 2000-10-21 73 62 56 52 46
McGraw, Tim Some Things Never Ch... 2000-05-13 76 66 66 65 63
McKnight, Brian Stay Or Let It Go 2000-02-26 95 92 82 78 76
Messina, Jo Dee Because You Love Me 2000-01-29 83 78 71 71 66
Messina, Jo Dee That's The Way 2000-06-24 78 67 63 54 50
Metallica I Disappear 2000-05-13 86 84 88 81 81
Metallica No Leaf Clover (Live... 2000-02-12 86 81 78 76 74
Montgomery Gentry Daddy Won't Sell The... 2000-03-04 87 83 81 79 81
Montgomery, John Michael The Little Girl 2000-09-09 81 67 64 56 45
Moore, Chante Straight Up 2000-10-28 98 98 97 90 85
Moore, Mandy I Wanna Be With You 2000-06-17 69 63 54 50 45
Mumba, Samantha Gotta Tell You 2000-09-09 85 72 65 49 39
Musiq Just Friends 2000-10-14 89 83 65 55 54
Mya Case Of The Ex (What... 2000-08-19 72 57 52 47 42
Mya The Best Of Me 2000-04-15 85 70 65 62 55
Mystikal Shake Ya Ass 2000-08-12 97 90 65 41 34
N'Sync Bye Bye Bye 2000-01-29 42 20 19 14 13
N'Sync It's Gonna Be Me 2000-05-06 82 70 51 39 26
N'Sync This I Promise You 2000-09-30 68 31 19 15 11
Nas You Owe Me 2000-03-25 74 72 68 59 59
Nelly (Hot S**t) Country G... 2000-04-29 100 99 96 76 55
Next Wifey 2000-05-27 85 61 46 40 36
Nine Days Absolutely (Story Of... 2000-05-06 85 71 59 52 39
Nine Days If I Am 2000-12-02 68 68 81 94 100
No Doubt Simple Kind Of Life 2000-07-01 50 40 39 38 38
Nu Flavor 3 Little Words 2000-06-03 97 97 89 89 94
Offspring, The Original Prankster 2000-11-25 74 71 70 70 77
Paisley, Brad Me Neither 2000-05-13 87 85 90 92 NA
Paisley, Brad We Danced 2000-10-14 71 68 52 52 45
Papa Roach Last Resort 2000-07-29 75 71 69 69 66
Pearl Jam Nothing As It Seems 2000-05-13 49 70 84 89 93
Pink Most Girls 2000-08-12 85 70 52 36 27
Pink There U Go 2000-03-04 25 15 12 11 11
Price, Kelly As We Lay 2000-07-15 82 69 69 64 71
Price, Kelly Love Sets You Free 2000-05-13 92 91 98 100 NA
Price, Kelly You Should've Told M... 2000-09-23 91 91 91 87 86
Profyle Liar 2000-09-16 52 32 25 17 16
Puff Daddy Best Friend 2000-02-12 65 59 62 79 99
Q-Tip Breathe And Stop 2000-01-22 71 71 81 82 96
R.E.M. The Great Beyond 1999-12-25 79 79 70 62 60
Rascal Flatts Prayin' For Daylight 2000-05-06 87 78 72 68 66
Raye, Collin Couldn't Last A Mome... 2000-03-18 91 85 75 73 67
Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication 2000-07-29 72 72 72 77 79
Red Hot Chili Peppers Otherside 2000-02-12 80 72 65 52 51
Rimes, LeAnn Big Deal 1999-10-16 71 52 51 51 51
Rimes, LeAnn Can't Fight The Moon... 2000-09-09 82 71 79 83 96
Rimes, LeAnn I Need You 2000-05-27 77 68 67 63 59
Rogers, Kenny Buy Me A Rose 2000-03-11 79 72 65 65 54
Ruff Endz No More 2000-07-01 76 38 19 17 12
Sammie I Like It 2000-01-29 85 68 58 44 40
Santana Maria, Maria 2000-02-12 15 8 6 5 2
Savage Garden Crash And Burn 2000-04-08 75 58 51 36 33
Savage Garden I Knew I Loved You 1999-10-23 71 48 43 31 20
SheDaisy Deck The Halls 1999-12-25 97 61 NA NA NA
SheDaisy I Will.. But 2000-07-15 78 74 70 61 59
SheDaisy This Woman Needs 2000-02-05 82 70 70 67 57
Sheist, Shade Where I Wanna Be 2000-11-11 96 95 99 99 100
Shyne Bad Boyz 2000-09-09 94 87 90 90 82
Simpson, Jessica I Think I'm In Love ... 2000-07-01 63 52 44 29 25
Simpson, Jessica Where You Are 2000-04-01 73 66 62 62 76
Sisqo Got To Get It 1999-11-20 92 76 73 58 48
Sisqo Incomplete 2000-06-24 77 66 61 61 61
Sisqo Thong Song 2000-01-29 74 63 35 26 26
Sister Hazel Change Your Mind 2000-07-15 75 67 66 59 63
Smash Mouth Then The Morning Com... 1999-10-30 83 59 56 46 27
Smith, Will Freakin' It 2000-02-12 99 99 99 99 NA
Son By Four A Puro Dolor (Purest... 2000-04-08 80 80 80 79 72
Sonique It Feels So Good 2000-01-22 67 52 30 23 19
SoulDecision Faded 2000-07-08 94 90 81 64 56
Spears, Britney From The Bottom Of M... 2000-01-29 76 59 52 52 14
Spears, Britney Lucky 2000-08-12 61 41 28 26 23
Spears, Britney Oops!.. I Did It Aga... 2000-04-22 67 38 26 19 15
Spencer, Tracie Still In My Heart 2000-03-04 95 88 98 NA NA
Splender I Think God Can Expl... 2000-06-10 71 66 62 62 62
Sting Desert Rose 2000-05-13 98 88 72 59 55
Stone Temple Pilots Sour Girl 2000-07-08 79 79 79 78 78
Stone, Angie No More Rain (In Thi... 1999-12-25 86 86 74 66 56
Strait, George Go On 2000-08-26 71 67 63 56 53
Strait, George The Best Day 2000-01-29 73 64 54 45 44
Sugar Ray Falls Apart 2000-01-15 70 64 54 40 34
TLC Dear Lie 2000-02-12 63 55 52 51 56
Tamar If You Don't Wanna L... 2000-03-25 98 98 92 89 92
Tamia Can't Go For That 2000-09-16 90 86 84 88 97
Third Eye Blind Deep Inside Of You 2000-09-02 80 73 70 70 70
Third Eye Blind Never Let You Go 2000-01-22 65 32 25 24 23
Thomas, Carl Emotional 2000-11-25 77 63 61 58 54
Thomas, Carl I Wish 2000-03-25 75 64 48 39 32
Thomas, Carl Summer Rain 2000-09-23 82 82 86 80 82
Tippin, Aaron Kiss This 2000-08-26 74 72 66 53 52
Train Meet Virginia 1999-10-09 76 67 59 54 48
Trick Daddy Shut Up 2000-05-20 99 95 87 87 83
Trina Pull Over 2000-09-09 97 93 96 100 NA
Tritt, Travis Best Of Intentions 2000-08-19 97 86 79 70 63
Tuesday I Know 2000-12-30 98 98 NA NA NA
Urban, Keith Your Everything 2000-07-15 81 80 73 73 67
Usher Pop Ya Collar 2000-11-04 68 64 60 60 62
Vassar, Phil Carlene 2000-03-04 75 67 64 64 57
Vassar, Phil Just Another Day In ... 2000-09-30 81 81 76 67 53
Vertical Horizon Everything You Want 2000-01-22 70 61 53 46 40
Vertical Horizon You're A God 2000-08-26 64 55 43 41 37
Vitamin C Graduation (Friends ... 2000-04-15 81 64 54 54 46
Vitamin C The Itch 2000-12-02 86 48 45 52 57
Walker, Clay Live, Laugh, Love 1999-12-04 95 95 94 94 94
Walker, Clay The Chain Of Love 2000-04-15 73 65 57 57 51
Wallflowers, The Sleepwalker 2000-10-28 73 73 74 80 90
Westlife Swear It Again 2000-04-01 96 82 66 55 55
Williams, Robbie Angels 1999-11-20 85 77 69 69 62
Wills, Mark Back At One 2000-01-15 89 55 51 43 37
Worley, Darryl When You Need My Lov... 2000-06-17 98 88 93 92 85
Wright, Chely It Was 2000-03-04 86 78 75 72 71
Yankee Grey Another Nine Minutes 2000-04-29 86 83 77 74 83
Yearwood, Trisha Real Live Woman 2000-04-01 85 83 83 82 81
Ying Yang Twins Whistle While You Tw... 2000-03-18 95 94 91 85 84
Zombie Nation Kernkraft 400 2000-09-02 99 99 NA NA NA
matchbox twenty Bent 2000-04-29 60 37 29 24 22

Using Your Helpers

billboard |> 
    cols = starts_with("wk"), 
    names_to = "week",
    names_prefix = "wk",
    values_to = "rank",
    values_drop_na = TRUE
  ) |>
# A tibble: 4 × 5
  artist track                   date.entered week   rank
  <chr>  <chr>                   <date>       <chr> <dbl>
1 2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep... 2000-02-26   1        87
2 2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep... 2000-02-26   2        82
3 2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep... 2000-02-26   3        72
4 2 Pac  Baby Don't Cry (Keep... 2000-02-26   4        77

Tell Us How We Did